Child Care Centres

Child Care Centres

Grow comfortably.

Our clients who own childcare centres have experienced outstanding growth in recent years. Although this state of continual growth is exciting and introduces many opportunities, it also contributes to a raft of cashflow and risk management issues.

Through our industry experience, we have tailored our Gold Coast accounting firm services to assist you to grow comfortably in this heavily regulated sector. As specialists for childcare centres, we can advise you through constant regulation changes, while helping you to resolve low occupancy, recruiting and retaining experienced staff, licensing requirements, building better communication processes for parents and guardians and assist you in remaining competitive and relevant.

With our simple process, we can point you in the right direction to obtain government grants and assistance, that can further grow your business.

KP Child Care Services

Tax planning & minimisation
KPI analysis, benchmarks and advice
Staff cost comparisons and incentive schemes
Operational strategies
Leveraging insurance job averages
Multiple location structuring

KP Child Care support and experience

Apprentice government incentives
More staff engagement, hire your team well
Operational procedures
Updating licensing requirements
Software automations to streamline your centre


KP Business Tools

Start your business growth today with Keypoint Accountants.